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Psychology Major

Psychologists study human and animal behavior, seeking to understand how people and nonhuman animals function in their environments: through this, a psychologist ultimately wants to understand, predict, and resolve behavioral and psychological problems. The Psychology curriculum includes coursework in the following topics: psychology as a science and profession, cognition and behavior neuroscience, intergroup relations, development in infancy, emotions, human performance, personality, sexuality, health, among others. Through coursework, and hands-on experience through research, internships, peer advising, and/or teaching assisting, you will gain the knowledge base and critical thinking skills you need for success in post-college careers or graduate school.

Degree Requirements

  • •Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 and above
    •A minimum of 41 hours in PSY courses are required and 25 of these must be upper-division
    •10 hours of PSY courses must be completed at the U of U and at least 8 of these must be upper-division
    •A maximum of 6 credits of experiential learning can count towards the total 41 credits (Research Experience, Peer Advising, Teaching Assisting and Internships)
    •All prerequisite, psychology, and allied courses must be completed with a C or better.

    • PSY1010-General Psychology (4)
    • PSY2010-Orientation to Psychology as a Science and Profession (3)
    • PSY3000- Statistical Methods in Psychology (4)
    • PSY3010- Research Methods in Psychology (4)

    Core Areas

    Complete one course from 4 of the 5 core areas.

    1. Developmental Core
    •  PSY3215 - Development in Infancy (3)
    • PSY2200 - Childhood and Adolescent Development (3)
    •  PSY3230 - Adult Development and Aging (3)
    •  PSY3260 - Social Development (3)
    •  PSY3290 - The Biology of Stress and Development (3)

    2. Social core

    •  PSY2500 - Social Psychology (3)
    •  PSY3430 - The Science of Subjective Well Being and Positive Psychology (3)
    •  PSY2250 - Personality Theories (3)
    •  PSY3460 - Health Psychology (3)
    •  PSY3620 - Environmental Psychology and Sustainability (3)
    •  PSY3415 - Social Cognition (3)

    3. Clinical Core

    •  PSY2500 - Social Psychology (3)
    •  PSY3430 - The Science of Subjective Well Being and Positive Psychology (3)
    •  PSY2250 - Personality Theories (3)
    •  PSY3460 - Health Psychology (3)
    •  PSY3620 - Environmental Psychology and Sustainability (3)
    •  PSY3415 - Social Cognition (3)

    4. Cognitive Core

    •  PSY2100 - Cognitive Psychology (3)
    •  PSY3140 - Cognitive Neuropsychology (3)
    •  PSY3150 - Sensation and Perception (3)
    •  PSY3172 - Human Performance and Engineering Psychology (3)

    5. Behavior/Neuroscience Core

    •  PSY3140 - Cognitive Neuropsychology (3)
    •  PSY3150 - Sensation and Perception (3)
    •  PSY2710 - Brain and Behavior (3)
    •  PSY3470 - Neuropsychology of Emotion & Personality (3)
  • Choose from among all psychology course offerings to complete the 41 credit-hour requirement. This includes 4000-level Internships, Research Experience, Teaching Assisting and Peer Advising; up to 6 hours of these classes can count toward the 41 credit-hour requirement.
  • •Complete at least 12 credits from the following types of courses:
    •Complete 12 credit hours of which 6 must be upper division (courses numbered 3000 or above); waived with completion of a second major, minor, or certificate. All courses must be completed with a grade of ‘C’ or better. The goal of this requirement is to foster a broader educational base for psychology majors, consistent with the general aims of a liberal arts degree.

Want to Declare a Major?

If you have not yet declared the Psychology major, please contact the Psychology advisor, Heidi Kim. Major/minor declaration is important to determine catalog year and is required to graduate.




Book an Appointment

Your academic advisor can provide invaluable assistance with major/minor declaration, courses and registration, research opportunities, internships, and more. Book an appointment through the button below if you need any help with your major.

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