Internships are the best way to gain experience in a particular field of work, and can be an important factor in creating opportunities for employment and graduate school. The Department of Psychology’s internship course (PSY 4890: CSBS Internship Program in Psychology) may be taken for academic credit, but it is not required to complete an internship. Most internships are completed with an organization that is not part of the University of Utah. Internships may be found through the Department of Psychology, through Career and Internship Development Center, or on your own.
Career and Internship Development Center
Career Development
careers with a degree in biology
Transfer Credits to the U
The University of Utah accepts all academic credit with grades of D- and above from properly accredited institutions. The Admissions Office is responsible for evaluating a student's transfer work for applicability to general education requirements. Advisors from the Transfer Program can evaluate transfer work to see if it can be used to clear any Bachelor's Degree requirements. A student's major department will evaluate transfer work for applicability to major requirements. It is important to meet with your departmental advisor as soon as possible to discuss these requirements.
Petition for Course Substitution
Transfer students can file Petition for Course Substitution form to transfer credits that you have taken at the previous institution that might fulfill your major requirement. You will be required to submit course syllabus so that advising staff and faculty can review the course material for eligibility.
Petition for Course Substitution
Psychology Internships
The Department of Psychology at the Utah Asia Campus is cooperating with several private and public organizations to provide students with internship opportunities. The partnered organizations include:
- Yeonsugu Mental Health Welfare Center (연수구정신건강복지센터)
- Korean RT Center (한국 RT 센터)
- Adaptable Human Solutions
- Assesta (㈜어세스타)
- MindCare Institute
- TNG Lab (㈜티앤지랩)
“My idea of becoming a clinical psychologist has become more clear. Now, I have a more specific idea about the field and why I want to be a clinical psychologist.”
- Seou Jung
“Linking my strategies and pleasant experiences from the internship has increased my confidence in my ability to become a counselor or therapist.”
- Yujin Choi
“The internship course greatly helps psychology majors learn the good qualities of psychologists and gain experiences in developing themselves to become good psychologists.”
- Jaewon Cho
“Previously, I only imagined only what I would do after having a job, but now I’m considering what kind of life I want to live.”
- Gayeon Oh
“Working as a student intern at the center was a great opportunity to practical experience and learn about the field of psychology. This experience helped me refine shape my career plan and occupational. It will help me achieve my future goals.”
- Chaeeun Yang
If you have any questions regarding Psychology internship at the University of Utah Asia Campus, contact Dr. Ha Na Yoo (

Book an Appointment
Your academic advisor can provide invaluable assistance with major/minor declaration, courses and registration, research opportunities, internships, and more. Book an appointment through the button below if you need any help with your major.