U Asia Campus

The Korea Herald Video Internship Program (Winter 2023)

What a great way to kick off the New Year!

The University of Utah Asia Campus Career & Internship Development Center is proud to announce our new partnership with The Korea Herald to provide internship opportunities (video & editing) for our Film & Media Arts Students.Our 9 students will be participating in a one month internship program where they will create video content (project based) under the guidance of the production team.

The students will be working closely with the staff members to discuss their ideas, interviewing etiquette, shooting & editing techniques, & more!

UAC student Dawon Ryou states, “The first day of the internship orientation was so much fun & motivating for me to not only learn about the industry & department, but also to utilize what I learned in my classes for this program.

I am very excited to learn from professionals & will do my best throughout the duration of this program.

We are excited for this internship program and want to thank The Korea Herald for this wonderful experiential learning opportunity for our students.





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