U Asia Campus

Home UAC Future Talent Scholarship Application

U Asia Campus Future Talent Scholarship

The University of Utah Asia Campus is excited to offer the UAC Future Talent Scholarship to students who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership capacity, involvement in extracurricular activities, and willingness to contribute to our community, Songdo, Incheon.

UAC Future Talent Scholarship was created in joint partnership with the Incheon Institute for Talent & Lifelong Education, Incheon Global Campus Foundation, and the University of Utah Asia Campus. The scholarship is designed to provide financial support to students wishing to become the next generation of leaders in the global market and contribute to the growth and development of our community.

UAC Future Talent Scholarship will be awarded to one student every year, and the scholarship can be awarded for up to eight semesters of studies at the U Asia Campus in the amount of 7,000,000 KRW in cash and $5,000 as a tuition stipend per semester:

  • Incheon Institute for Talent & Lifelong Education - 5,000,000 KRW/semester to scholarship recipient's bank account
  • Incheon Global Campus Foundation - 2,000,000 KRW/semester to scholarship recipient's bank account
  • University of Utah Asia Campus - $5,000/semester as tuition stipend
    • If awarded the UAC Future Talent Scholarship, all previously awarded scholarships (Entrance, New Horizon, and Opportunity Scholarship) will be replaced by the UAC Future Talent Scholarship. 


Scholarship Deadline: February 3rd, 2025

Scholarship Eligibility:

In order to be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must be successfully admitted to the University of Utah Asia Campus and meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • A beneficiary of National Basic Livelihood (기초생활수급자)
  • Low-income Household (차상위계층확인서 또는 차상위 본인부담 경감대상자 증명서)
  • Single-Parent Family (한부모가족증명서)
  • Students with a Disability or Family with a Disability (자활근로자확인서 또는 장애 수당 대상자 확인서 또는 장애인 연금대상자 확인서)


UAC Future Talent Scholarship
Please write your uNID (u1234567).
Please type your personal email address (ex. Gmail, Naver, Hotmail, ...)

Supporting Documents

Once you submit the application, you will receive further instruction on how to upload the supporting documents.
Please select the document you wish to submit to be considered for the scholarship
I hereby state that the information I have provided is true, and I understand that I will not be considered for the scholarship if any provided information is false.